"Lighten up while you still can, don't even try to understand, just find a place to make your stand and take it easy...." - Jackson Browne and Glenn Frey circa 1971
Maintenance days are cool. They're kind of play days. Hard to believe that four months ago I would have said that a three or four mile run day along with strength training would be fun. The folks at Buckeye Gym and my friends in the Summit Athletic Running Club make it so. Talk about a perfect day to run, this morning was it. A brief workout at the gym and then onto the Freedom Trail. The music of the day was Jackson Browne's greatest hits. So many great songs that capture the feel of my journey to Columbus.
Written along with Glenn Frey, Jackson penned the landmark song, "Take It Easy." The song was the foundation of the Eagles phenomenal career and was the cornerstone of Jackson's writing and performing career. It's not the words but the overall message of just letting life come to you naturally that seem applicable in my approach to my running program.
Here's a gratuitous picture of a "Girl in a flatbed Ford" who wouldn't necessarily be slowing down to take a look at me. But Joey Phillips or Steve Sisco? Well probably.
In the rotation of music on my IPod was another Jackson Browne song "Running on Empty." Thirty years after its release you can still hear this song played at road races. For the last two miles of this past Sunday's run it was appropriate, but not this morning. Today, the greatness of being on a bike trail on an awesome morning was more than I could have hoped.
Then through my headphones comes Jackson's all-time classic "The Pretender." Now this song has me wondering. Is that who I am? I love the closing lines of the song, "Say a prayer for the Pretender. He started out so young and strong only to surrender." In two lines Jackson summarizes my running career. I was young and strong only I surrendered to a less active life. This is what I am thinking about when the negative thoughts go through my head. I begin to doubt myself. These doubts are soon obliterated by the next Jackson Browne offering, "Somebody's Baby" from the movie "Fast Times at Ridgemont High." I love this song. When it was in the standard radio play rotation in the 1980's, my son Adam and I would sing this song together, a lot. The memory brings a smile to face and joy to my mind. I am feeling pretty darn spiffy.
As I completed my effort for the day I looked at the pace time on my watch. I was traveling at a speed of 12:40 per mile. This should not be confused with traveling at the speed of light. However, it occurs to me that this is about 90 seconds faster per mile than where I began in April. So much for running on empty.
There's something to this "Take it easy thing." I'm not the Pretender. And as far as being somebody's baby, well, that's reserved for the Boss. If she's not the girl in the flatbed Ford, then I'll just wave and wait for the lady I'm related to by marriage. For now, "I'll lighten up while I still can....and take it easy." Good advice Jackson and Glenn. I got eight miles in the morning. It's a good time to take it easy. My body will thank me tomorrow.
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