Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day 47 - Pre - Falmouth

Morning will come early.  I know sleep for me will be at a premium tonight. Tomorrow morning is the Falmouth Road Race.  This annual event is very important to The Boss. This year its important to me. I love coming to see the friends we have made through the years here. Tomorrow is different from other years though. Much different. It's the end of Part I for this Weezer and Geezer.  Part II begins Monday, but I'll worry about Monday on Monday.

I did a three mile walk before breakfast this morning and then The Boss (T.B.) and I did the three mile Falmouth Walk for local charities that we do every year. T.B. also did a four and a half mile warm up run. this morning.  She's looking really good.

The number is ready:

Here's a bit of history of the 42 years of the race with Bill Rodgers leading Alberto Salazar and Craig Virgin right behind Alberto:

Some more history with marathon great Greg Meyer, Number 33, springing to the lead with family friend Randy Thomas over his left shoulder:

The one mile mark at Nobska Light.  Simply beautiful:

This is the first test. This isn't about speed. It's about enjoying the whole race and finishing strong with a smile. In words any runner can understand, "It's on!"

Good night my friends and peace.  I'm ready.

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