Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 16 - Back to the Future

When I was in "The Zone" back in the late 1970's and at periods during the 1980's with my running, I would run at all hours of the day and night.  I did some of that tonight.  My back and my legs were tight this morning.  I got a full night's sleep and yet I was still tired.  I promised myself that I would run this afternoon after work.  I was still tired and the back still hurt so I caught about a 45 minute nap.  I felt amazingly better and did some things around the house.  I was negotiating with myself on whether I was going to run or not. Then of course my promise of last night came to mind and sooooo..... I drove to Sand Run Trail to do what I had promised.  It was getting dark.  For the first forty-five minutes it was no "problemo." It seemed like in the forty sixth minute it got dark real fast.  I was concerned about footing, tripping, spraining ankles, and every other thing that could happen to me out on a trail when its pitch black.  Then it dawned on me.  I have an IPhone with the flashlight app.  Adapting, improvising, and overcoming.  I'm a junior marine for sure.  I get done and realize that instead of needing to buy a t-shirt that says, "I'm with Stupid," with the arrow pointing up towards my head, I actually accomplished something.  My buddy Marty Fanning and I for years would run at any hour of the day that we could just to get a five to six mile run into our lives.  Want to see what I looked like in "The Zone" years?

That's brother Phil and me before the 1981 Boston Marathon.  Phil had a tryout with "Thunder Down Under Review" after the race I believe which of course explains the shorts.  I'm rocking the "stash" and a Bill Rodgers running suit.  It was a different time.  Tonight for a little under ninety minutes, I was there again if even only in my mind.  Felt good and I kept my promise.  These miles were for my friends that I mentioned.  It must be Karma because I would not have gone except for them.  Thanks!

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