April 11, 1970, Astronaut James Swigert from aboard the third moon mission Apollo 13 uttered the famous words, "Houston, we had a problem here."
On a much smaller scale that was my story this morning. I was going to get up at 5:00 a.m. and didn't. Try 7:00 a.m. I wanted to avoid as much sun as possible. It's was too late. I fell asleep on the couch watching a movie last night that I can't even remember what it was. I woke up to some sort of pathetic cartoon lecturing kids on something that was poorly written, drawn, and scripted. Much worse than my Blog except somebody got paid to do that stuff. I got all of that within 30 seconds. I'm 100% positive I was not watching Frozen. Mr. Negativity had paid me a visit as I awoke. I needed something. I found fault with everything. First duty of the day was to change the channel and lo and behold the answer to my attitude problems was filling the entire downstairs. It was the music of the ever beautiful and talented SADE.
For those of you scoring at home in your programs it is pronounced "Shar-day. How's this for a night in the summer of 2011? Mari's out of town so I go to an Indians game and then in the top of the eighth walk across the plaza to the Q and see the SADE concert. John Legend was the opener. Didn't see him; didn't want to. But SADE, well they play one of her songs every time Michael Brantley comes up to bat for the Indians, "Smooth Operator." Oh but she is so much more than that. She's a whole lotta more!! Do you know how good a seat you can get if you only want one ticket to a concert? The place was sold out and I was in the eighth row two seats in from the middle aisle. When SADE magically appeared on stage as she marched up the stairs hidden in the floor, well you know that voice I told you about a few days ago that I hear in my head from time to time that we like to call a conscience? It kept saying, "Stevie. Don't rush the stage. Don't do it fella." What a kill joy. She opened up with "Soldier of Love" that has a rhythmic military beat to the drum part. She looked one way, then to the front middle, and then to the left, and then back to the middle as she swayed to the rhythm of the song. I was embarrassed. Clearly she was looking at me. Okay. She wasn't looking at me necessarily but she was looking at my section. Another George Constanza moment, eh? It was two hours and ten minutes of fantastic entertainment.
Oh running. This is abut running. Sorry. Anyway, I have some of the music for that concert downloaded on to my IPhone. As I head out on my thirteen mile run I know my arch nemesis that is that big ball of flames in the sky was higher up in the horizon than what I wanted. I went for the bike trail by Stow High School and then out to Silver Springs Park and the shaded trail across the street that would take me out to Franklin Township north of Kent, Ohio. It was so much cooler in the shade. Heck I was cooler. I was listening to SADE. I'm a young Kirk Douglas. "I am Spartacus!" The number of songs are only a sampling of the concert so when the music was done and my memories of her concert with her, I strangely enough moved to Stephen Stills' first album. It's the one with the song "Love the One Your With." Great album but it moves fast meaning its a but a half an hour long or so. Then to my surprise, I forgot I had downloaded Lionel Ritchie's re-recording of his hits done with country artists. It is amazing.
I was lost in space with all systems go as I listened. "All Night Long" with Jimmy Buffett. The powerful "Lady" with Kenny Rogers singing co-lead. I don't care how many wives Lionel has had or how many faces Kenny has had...or wives, to each their own. This is an awesome rendition of Mari's and my song.
I was holding strong with my run until, I had a problem. I had brought water but I was dehydrating. Check that. I was dehydrated but close to home. By the time I got home I was at ten miles. Last time I checked, that does not equal thirteen which was the objective but I was done. I wasn't angry. I was grateful for being able to do that distance even though I walked the last four tenths of a mile. Double digits are good, But not good enough.
So about five o'clock this afternoon I went out the door to go get the other three. It's not the same as thirteen all at once. But it is the same for the total mileage as the required for the fourth week of the training program and the mileage scheduled for the day. When I get home the Boss with a smile on her face tells me that she is impressed. To all of you I say, "Feeling good my friends. Think I'll take it out for a spin and sing "Lady" to the Boss." Then the voice went off in my head and it said, "Stevie. You know that song by Billy Joel "Leave a Tender Moment Alone?" And then the voice went silent. So did I. Shhhh! Let's keep this between you and me and not tell her what I was thinking. Okay? Hey thanks a lot friends. Our secret!! I knew I could count on you.
Tomorrow: The Legend of Uncle Cookie
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